Energy Transition

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Reservoir Modelling for Storage
Course Code: N548
Modelling the ‘storage complex’ requires us to build models that encompass not just the target reservoir for drilling, but also the surrounding rock volumes, including the lateral volumes where the in...
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Subsurface Characterization, Screening and Site Selection for Geologic CO2 Storage Sites
Course Code: N549
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a key means of mitigating climate change and is the only option currently available to decarbonize industries such as cement, steel, petrochemicals and LNG. As opp...
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Monitoring Geologic CO2 Storage Sites
Course Code: N553
This course is based on the international ISO standard for CO2 geological storage and empowers attendees to implement the many phases of CO2 storage monitoring in saline reservoirs, depleted fields...
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Carbon Capture and Storage for Geoscientists and Engineers
Course Code: N565
The course will establish basics such as how much CCS is needed to make a difference to global warming and explore what types of CO2 injection have already happened including dedicated long-term CCS p...
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Well Engineering for CO2 Storage Applications
Course Code: N592
This course covers the design specifics of CO2 injection wells. Such wells may be existing or new wells which need to be designed with the challenges of CO2 injection in mind. The design includes the...
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The Economics of CCS Projects
Course Code: N668
CCS is currently undergoing the process of “Scaling Up” with a batch of full-scale projects proving viability and deliverability globally. The “Scale Up” phase has largely been driven by Government po...
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Fundamentals of CCS
Course Code: EC003
This course provides participants with awareness and understanding of the subsurface needs of CCS projects. It will establish basics such as how much CCS is needed to make a difference to global warmi...
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Geological Storage of CO2
Course Code: EC004
This course provides participants with understanding of geological subsurface CO2 storage volumetrics, CO2 flow in the subsurface away from injector wells, the objective of permanent and safe storage...
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Behaviour of CO2 in Reservoirs
Course Code: EC005
The course addresses CO2 as a fluid phase and the key question of CO2 storage efficiency, the equivalent of oil recovery factor. The course will address the rate of CO2 injection and the role reservoi...
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Monitoring CO2 Storage
Course Code: EC006
The course considers the range of potential leakage mechanisms that need to be assessed. It will include a detailed consideration of the monitoring strategies available to assure the safety and integr...
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Petrophysics for CCS
Course Code: EC007
This course considers the properties of carbon dioxide, contrasts its behaviour with that of methane and the interactions between CO2 and water in an aquifer. There is a review of some of the properti...
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Geomechanics for CCS Projects
Course Code: EC031
The course will begin with a review of potential geomechanical effects in CCS projects and the evidences for their possibility. It will then cover some core elements of geomechanics and draw the lin...
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The Geoscience of CO2 Storage
Course Code: EP001
This package of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) self-paced e-learning courses will provide geoscientists and engineers with an awareness and understanding of subsurface CO2 storage, CO2 flow in the s...
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Foundational Understanding for CCS and Hydrogen Underground Storage
Course Code: N535
The course provides a practical introduction to CCS, considered to be a potentially effective technology for the reduction of CO2 emissions from large stationary sources such as power generation units...
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Repurposing Subsurface Petroleum Skills for CCUS
Course Code: N538
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a key means of mitigating climate change and is the only option currently available to decarbonize industries such as cement, steel, petrochemicals and LNG. As opp...
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