Oil and Gas
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Depositional Evolution of the GOM Sedimentary Basin
Course Code: N343
This course explores the stratigraphic and structural history of the Gulf of Mexico, from foundational tectonic influences through the evolution from rift to divergent margin. Examination of the inter...
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Integrated Charge Access Evaluation: The Key to Successful Exploration
Course Code: N522
Charge access considers the journey of the expelled charge from the source rock into the reservoir of the prospect, and is often a critical if not the critical risk in any exploration well. Indeed, ve...
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Petroleum Generation and Migration
Course Code: EC020
The aim of geochemistry in exploration, development and field production is to apply our scientific understanding of the chemistry and physics of fluids in sedimentary basins to the prediction and ris...
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Play Fairway Analysis
Course Code: EC021
Play Fairway Analysis is a critical stage in hydrocarbon exploration, the fundamentals of which are covered in six modules that examine the presence and effectiveness of the main play elements: reser...
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Basin Analysis
Course Code: EC022
This comprehensive course delves into the principles and applications of basin analysis, examining tectonic processes and sediment dynamics across diverse geological settings. The eight modules cover...
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Basin, Play Analysis, Petroleum Generation and Migration
Course Code: EP005
A package of Basin Analysis courses designed to provide geoscientists with a thorough foundation in Basin Analysis, Petroleum Generation and Migration and Play Fairway Analysis.
EC022: Basin Analysis...
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Play Fairway Analysis and Exploration Prospecting
Course Code: N087
This course provides the opportunity to learn about hydrocarbon exploration via play fairway analysis in a frontier basin. Through a series of map-based exercises, teams of participants acquire a port...
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Hydrocarbon Habitat in Rift Basins
Course Code: N129
The course describes the sedimentology and stratigraphic evolution of rift-fill and post-rift successions in non-marine and marine settings, as a product of structural evolution, climate variation, an...
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Advanced Pore Pressure Prediction Workshop: Concepts, Mechanisms, and Workflows
Course Code: N249
This advanced, hands-on workshop gives participants a strong understanding of the processes that generate overpressure in multiple dimensions and experience in predicting pressure and fracture gradien...
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Reservoir Analogues for the Southwestern Barents Sea: Outcrop Examples from Svalbard (Norway)
Course Code: N298
The focus of this course is an outcrop examination of a variety of depositional systems including the Carboniferous/Permian marine-carbonate succession and Mesozoic shallow-marine, deltaic and contine...
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Petroleum Geology of Kurdistan
Course Code: N361
This course examines the key elements of the hydrocarbon systems prevalent in Kurdistan; source, reservoir, trap and migration are evaluated in relation to regional stratigraphy, and integrated with t...
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Basin Analysis for Petroleum Geoscientists
Course Code: N378
This course examines the tectonic, stratigraphic and sedimentary controls on petroleum systems in sedimentary basins. The tectonic processes generating sedimentary basins, their structural development...
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Play Analysis for Targeted Prospect Identification
Course Code: N425
Play fairway analysis and common risking segment (CRS) mapping are commonly used in the evaluation of frontier basins. However, they can also be successfully applied to more mature basins where modera...
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Play and Prospect Assessment
Course Code: N491
Play fairway analysis (PFA) and common risking segment (CRS) mapping is commonly used in evaluation of basins. Plays are the basic unit of exploration and the mapping of play elements (presence and e...
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Structure and Sedimentology of a Petroleum System (Wessex Basin, UK)
Course Code: N500
The course is a field-based exploration of a working petroleum system. Using examples from the Devon and Dorset coast the components of the Wytch Farm oilfield can be examined, including source rocks...
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