Oil and Gas
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Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Reservoir Geology of Deepwater Clastic Systems (County Clare, Ireland)
Course Code: N009
The focus of this course is an outcrop examination of basin floor, slope and shelf margin architecture and stratigraphy. Controls on deepwater sedimentation are discussed in detail, specifically high...
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Deepwater Depositional System Stratigraphy for Exploration and Development (Arkansas, USA)
Course Code: N292
The Pennsylvanian-age Jackfork Group and the younger overlying Atoka Formation strata of central Arkansas offer a world-class field area to examine the common deepwater architectural elements that con...
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Deepwater Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis from Seismic, Well Data and Outcrops
Course Code: N483
This course focuses on the stratigraphic interpretation of deepwater depositional systems with emphasis on utilising practical workflows for mapping, predicting, and quantifying deepwater reservoirs....
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Fluvial and Coastal Clastic Depositional Environments (Texas Gulf Coast, USA)
Course Code: N670
This course provides hands-on experience with a variety of modern, clastic reservoir geobody types that provide calibration points for accurate facies and reservoir models and allow for more targeted...
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Characteristics of Alluvial, Coastal, and Shallow Marine Reservoir Successions for Reservoir Management, Gas Storage, and CO2 Sequestration (Utah, USA)
Course Code: N681
This course examines the three-dimensional stacking patterns and internal reservoir properties of paralic successions for reservoir evaluation and management, using the Cretaceous succession of the He...
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Reservoir Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Continental Clastic Systems (Wyoming, USA)
Course Code: N027
Continental clastic reservoir systems (aeolian, alluvial, fluvial, and lacustrine) account for at least 30% of the total known global hydrocarbon resource. Participants will be exposed to critical exp...
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Reservoir Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Coastal and Shelfal Successions: Deltas, Shorelines and Origins of Isolated Sandstones (NW Colorado, USA)
Course Code: N042
This course investigates outstanding Late Cretaceous outcrops of the Western Interior Seaway, focusing on models for exploration and exploitation within coastal through shelfal depositional settings....
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Turbidite Systems and Their Response to Thrust and Fold Structures (Pyrenees, Spain)
Course Code: N056
The course traces the evolution of the Pyrenean orogen from extensional margin through inversion to fold and thrust belt with its associated foreland basin. Deepwater clastic deposition occurred in th...
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Turbidite Facies Architecture, Reservoir Applications and Predictive Stratigraphy (Karoo, South Africa)
Course Code: N107
This field course demonstrates the down-fan evolution from net-bypass to net-deposition, confined to unconfined transport and deposition, and the development and distribution of depositional elements...
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Basin-Scale Analysis of a Confined Turbidite System (Grès d'Annot, SE France)
Course Code: N112
This courses analyses the initiation, fill history, and links between a suite of structurally confined deepwater sub-basins, with reference to local and regional scale facies and stratigraphic archite...
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High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy: Application to Deltaic Systems and Reservoirs (County Clare, Ireland)
Course Code: N115
Deltaic depositional systems are excellent settings for the examination and application of sequence stratigraphic concepts and outcomes. This course provides a comprehensive review of deltaic processe...
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Introduction to Clastic Depositional Systems: a Petroleum Perspective
Course Code: N155
This course examines and differentiates the main clastic depositional systems in a pragmatic way from a petroleum perspective. Exploration, basin-scale aspects of the depositional systems are addresse...
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Clastic Depositional Systems in a Basinal Framework: Exploration and Reservoir Implications (Pyrenees, Spain)
Course Code: N156
A field course analysing the distribution, architecture, internal characteristics, and reservoir quality of sandstone bodies from a wide range of clastic depositional environments. The depositional s...
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Deltaic to Deepwater Depositional Systems of NW Borneo - Concepts and Models for Reservoir Prediction (NW Borneo, Malaysia)
Course Code: N195
This field course examines Oligo-Miocene outcrop successions of NW Borneo which are the equivalents of major petroleum-bearing accumulations in the adjacent offshore. A range of sedimentary facies and...
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Reservoir Geology of Deepwater Systems: Processes, Architecture and Reservoir Quality Analysis (Alps, France)
Course Code: N252
This course will entail detailed facies analysis of turbidites, linked to system architecture, with focus of the effects of bathymetric confinement, characterisation of sheet and incisional channel ar...
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