Oil and Gas
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Unconventional Resource Engineering for Geoscientists
Course Code: N274
This course introduces geoscientists to the terminology and practices of the drilling, completion, and reservoir engineers with whom they interact on multi-disciplinary unconventional resource evaluat...
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Evaluating Shale and Tight Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Course Code: N313
This class provides an introduction to the exploration, appraisal, and development of oil and gas resource plays. It identifies the data that need to be collected, how to analyze and interpret them, a...
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Fracture Architecture, Sedimentology and Diagenesis of Organic-rich Mudstones of Ancient Upwelling Zones with Application to Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (California, USA)
Course Code: N364
This course uses the Monterey Formation as a natural laboratory to understand the origin, distribution and physical properties of biogenic, organic-rich mudstones as well as the relationship betwe...
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Unconventional Resource Assessment and Valuation
Course Code: N406
Probabilistic techniques and a staged approach are applied to make good decisions about which projects to invest in and how to wisely spend limited capital. This is critically important, given the ris...
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Geomechanics for Unconventional and Tight Reservoirs
Course Code: N437
The application of geomechanical knowledge has become critical to the successful drilling and completion of unconventional plays. This course presents the basics of oilfield geomechanics (including st...
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Geological Drivers for Tight-Oil and Unconventional Plays in the Powder River Basin and Applications to Other Basins (Wyoming, USA)
Course Code: N463
Application of the learnings of this course will empower multidisciplinary teams to better understand lateral and vertical heterogeneity, synsedimentary and post-burial tectonic deformation as these f...
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The Petroleum System in Unconventional Exploration & Production: Geology, Geochemistry and Basin Modeling
Course Code: N471
The course teaches how to use regional geology, geochemistry and petroleum systems modeling in evaluating unconventional/resource play reservoirs. The processes discussed range from deposition of the...
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Northern Appalachian Basin: Tectonics, Faults, and Fractures, and Their Effects on Devonian and Ordovician Black Shales (New York and Pennsylvania, USA)
Course Code: N674
This course first explores the plate tectonic history of the northern Appalachian Orogen to understand the formation of the adjacent Appalachian Basin and the stress fields that resulted in the observ...
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Unconventional Resources: The Main Oil Systems (Colorado, USA)
Course Code: N184
Industry success in unconventional oil petroleum systems has completely changed the landscape of the industry. That success has been driven by the need for oil in North America (to reduce imports) and...
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Seismic Tools for Unconventional Reservoirs
Course Code: N206
E & P professionals completing this course will understand the theory and the practical application of multi-azimuth PP 3D surface seismic and well-bore technologies including microseismic monitor...
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Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Lacustrine Systems: Reservoir and Source Rocks, Great Salt Lake and Green River Formation (Utah and Colorado, USA)
Course Code: N245
This course evaluates the lacustrine deposits of the modern Great Salt Lake and the Eocene Green River Formation. Themes are improved subsurface characterization of lacustrine deposits through utiliza...
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From Outcrop to Subsurface: Understanding and Evaluating Shale Resource Plays (Alberta, Canada)
Course Code: N259
Outcrops, cores, well logs, field studies and exercises are used to introduce techniques for identifying, understanding and evaluating fractured shale reservoirs. Appreciable time is spent on outcrops...
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The Bakken Petroleum System as a Resource Play (Montana, USA)
Course Code: N271
This course will examine the petroleum geology and selected engineering topics of the Bakken / Sappington / Exshaw / Three Forks plays. The classroom sessions and core workshop will focus on the subsu...
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Seismic Attributes and Pre-Stack Inversion Tools for Characterizing Unconventional Reservoirs
Course Code: N284
Participants will develop the skills required to review, select and interpret the range of seismic attributes and pre-stack inversion tools available for the characterization of unconventional reservo...
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Geological Reservoir Characteristics of Siliciclastic Unconventional Light Oil Plays, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (Alberta, Canada)
Course Code: N291
The course presents an overview of siliciclastic unconventional light oil play types, including their different reservoir characteristics, play fairways and depositional environments. Examples from th...
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