Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas | Petrophysics

Foundation Petrophysics

Course Code: EC013
Course Outline:  Download
Format and Duration:
6 hours

Self-paced e-learning

Fee from: GBP £500.00


The course introduces the fundamental principles and concepts of traditional petrophysical analysis. The objective is to familiarize learners with the dominant language and concepts used in the field of petrophysics. Topics covered include the use of complementary data from mudlogging and core analysis, the influence of rock characteristics on fluid distribution in the subsurface, and an introduction to total and effective porosity concepts.

Course Code: EC013
Duration: 6 hours
Fee From
GBP £500.00 (exc. Tax)
Please login to book.

Training Method

This is a self-paced e-learning course. Learning materials are structured into short sections, each including interactive text and image content, animations, video, and audio. An end of course quiz is scored to provide the learner with their learning progress. Approximately 6 hours learning time.

Course Overview

Participants will learn to:

  1. Describe the main concepts underpinning the field of petrophysics and open hole logging.
  2. Explain how mudlogging and core analysis complement open-hole logging in petrophysical analysis.
  3. Identify the role of downhole pressure measurements in the downhole data suite and their contribution to petrophysical analysis.
  4. Interpret the factors that influence fluid distribution in a porous and permeable rock.
  5. Describe the processes involved in the formation and evolution of porosity in rocks.
  6. Recognise the significance of the concepts of Total and Effective porosity, and their role in the petrophysical analysis.

Introduction to Petrophysics

In this module, we will explore the basics of petrophysics and delve into open-hole logging and the subsurface borehole environment. We will start with an in-depth look at the hydrocarbon initially in place equation and discuss the use of petrophysical models to describe a formation or reservoir.


Open-Hole Logs

This module provides additional background information on typical open-hole logs and how they can be influenced by rock properties.

Mud Logging and Core

This module will focus on some important complementary measurements and observations to downhole logs, as well as the factors supporting the migration of hydrocarbons into the reservoir. Mudlogging forms a critical part of drilling an exploration well, while core data from routine and special core analysis provide important constraints on our interpretation of downhole logs. Wettability and capillary pressure control the distribution of fluids in the reservoir and the process by which hydrocarbon accumulates, while downhole pressure measurements complement the integration of core and log data in providing a complete petrophysical picture.

Rock Properties

This module will explore the petrophysical model and how rock characteristics influence the distribution of fluids in the subsurface.

Porosity Fundamentals

This module will start by defining porosity and will discuss two alternative models (Total and Effective) that are used in petrophysics. These alternatives arise because of the strong interaction of water with many of the solid minerals that make up sedimentary rocks, and we will deviate slightly to discuss the reasons and consequences of these interactions. It will then move on to discuss how porosity is initially formed and how it subsequently evolves as sediments are buried in the subsurface. The final part of this module will look at how porosity can be measured on core plugs (and other samples) and the generalities of using logs to estimate it in situ.

CEU: 0.6 Continuing Education Units
PDH: 6 Professional Development Hours
Certificate: Certificate Issued Upon Completion
RPS is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU. We comply with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognised internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices.
We issue a Certificate of Attendance which verifies the number of training hours attended. Our courses are generally accepted by most professional licensing boards/associations towards continuing education credits. Please check with your licensing board to determine if the courses and certificate of attendance meet their specific criteria.