Professional Skills Development

Professional Skills Development | Communication and Facilitation

Personal and Professional Effectiveness: Critical Communication and Business Skills

Course Code: N851
Course Outline:  Download
Format and Duration:
5 days


This course has been specifically designed to develop the personal and professional effectiveness of all technical professionals who work in a business setting. This course will enable delegates to use a range of strategies to communicate more effectively. They will be able to assimilate themselves quickly into teams, use their time efficiently on high value activities and become experts at self-management. They will establish their personal brand and be goal driven. They will become experts at seeking behavioural feedback leading to greater awareness and performance. They will gain an understanding of how to deal with high paced change so that they remain productive and engaged.

Duration and Training Method

A five-day classroom course. This course uses a combination of teaching, technical case studies, demonstrations, group discussions, presentations and action planning to ensure that participants are confident and capable to use all the various principles and techniques described.

Course Overview

1. Understand themselves better, understand others and have the ability and awareness to adapt their communication style to foster better and more effective relationships. This will lead to greater productivity and engagement
2. They will learn a model of self situational leadership so that they will understand when they need to seek direction and support
3. They will learn how to focus their energy and time on the high value activities
4. They will understand how to be come experts at personal and professional goal setting and develop their own “personal brand”
5. They will become experts at giving and asking for high quality task and behavioural feedback and develop strategies to build confidence
6. They will understand a model of team dynamics and effectiveness so that they can assimilate themselves into any team remaining productive and engaged
7. They will understand how fast paced change can affect morale and productivity, ensuring that they remain self directed and effective at times of organisational change

Effective Communication Skills

• Using Insights Discovery to increase self awareness, this will enable people to perform at their highest level.
• It will promote effective and highly collaborative relationships at work.
• Strategies to increase effective communication with others
• Understanding of how conflict can occur and have effective strategies for decreasing conflict
• Higher levels of influence, meaning more time to get on with high value activities
• We will learn how to remain assertive and confident when faced with challenging circumstances

Situational Self-Leadership

• Understand the personal journey of learning new tasks in terms of competence and commitment
• Realise that we need different amounts of direction and support to enable us to become ‘self reliant achievers’ in the tasks we need to complete
• Realise the point we might want to quit doing a task and how to use a strategy to ensure we build competence and commitment
• Strategies to get the direction and support we need to become fully competent in our role
• How to share our development goals and needs with our line manager
• Take personal ownership for our development

Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence

• Using the Covey model of the Circles of Influence and Concern, we will identify the things that matter to us and the things that don’t (but are on our minds)
• Using this model we will learn to focus our energy and time on the things in our circle of influence
• We will build emotional resilience by focussing our energy on the things that matter to us and by doing so increase our levels of influence in the workplace

Goal Setting

• The importance of mission, vision and goals in a business setting
• Become experts at having excellent work based personal objectives.
• Become experts at having and achieving personal objectives
• What’s my personal brand and does it matter?
• Techniques for building confidence and resilience


• Identifying situations that require a negotiation
• Use a four step negotiation process to help us ‘get to yes’
• How to remain confident and assertive during a negotiation
• Learn how to negotiate using gamification methods


• Understand the power of feedback in improving performance
• Johari’s window
• Become experts at giving and receiving feedback

Team Working

• What sets a team apart from a group of people?
• What are the characteristics of a high performing team
• What are the Five Dysfunctions of a team?
• Stages of team development and identifying where they are
• Team roles and responsibilities
• Become a star team player
• Why we need followers as well as leaders

Dealing with Change

• How change affects us emotionally
• Understand the different reactions to change and how to self manage at times of change
• Develop methods of enabling change in an organisation
• Why great plans fail at the implementation phase and what you7 can do about it

Action Plans

• Develop personal action plans that make a difference
• How to embed and sustain personal action plans

This course is designed for all E&P professionals who wish to increase their personal and professional effectiveness individually and as part of a team.

CEU: 3.5 Continuing Education Units
PDH: 35 Professional Development Hours
Certificate: Certificate Issued Upon Completion
RPS is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU. We comply with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognised internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices.
We issue a Certificate of Attendance which verifies the number of training hours attended. Our courses are generally accepted by most professional licensing boards/associations towards continuing education credits. Please check with your licensing board to determine if the courses and certificate of attendance meet their specific criteria.