Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas | Geophysics and Seismic Interpretation

A Practical Introduction to Depth Imaging for Interpreters

Course Code: N317
Instructors:  Etienne Robein
Course Outline:  Download
Format and Duration:
3 days


This course provides an introduction to modern seismic depth imaging methods. It addresses initial design and input data considerations, velocity model-building, pros and cons of various migration algorithms, and quality control.

Business impact: The course addresses how and where in an imaging project an interpreter can add value and ensure project objectives are met. It provides guidance on the questions that an interpreter needs to ask themselves and others, such as: What workflow elements are most important to focus attention on for a good end result?  How can a non-specialist effectively QC the adequacy of the job at each stage, without having the in-depth knowledge that the processors have? What deliverables should they receive (interim and final products) and how might they each be used?.


The use of outcrops to fully understand the tectonic sequences of the Alps contributed to my overall conceptual skills for rifted margins - foreland basins. Transferring the experience to seismic will be invaluable.

Duration and Training Method

A classroom course comprising lectures, demonstrations, case histories, and hands-on practical exercises.

Participants are encouraged to bring data examples to the class for general discussion, and time will be provided during the course for an open forum discussion of client-provided project examples

Course Overview

Participants will learn to:

  1. Distinguish the fundamental differences between time and depth migration.
  2. Differentiate between commonly used imaging algorithms including ray and wave-equation techniques.
  3. Determine seismic imaging challenges for specific projects and select appropriate imaging workflows to satisfy project requirements.
  4. Monitor the data conditioning stage of the initial processing sequence.
  5. Establish the appropriate interpretation inputs to the velocity model building process, and verify that the form of the velocity model is appropriate for the geology of the project.
  6. Generate an optimized seismic/well tie database that can be used as a constraint for velocity modeling and the determination of anisotropy parameters.
  7. Establish project Q/C milestones with imaging specialists, monitor the outcomes, and approve transitions to subsequent project stages.

1. What is a seismic image?

  • The seismic experiment
  • Wave propagation
  • Reflection and the reflection coefficient
  • Velocity fields for imaging
  • What is seismic anisotropy?

2. Four key imaging challenges: definition and examples

  • To see reflectors: detection, illumination, signal/noise
  • To see details of the reflectors: resolution
  • To get the "true" reflection coefficient: amplitude fidelity
  • To get reflectors at their correct location in depth: image distortion, accuracy

3. Overview of seismic imaging methods and workflows

  • Data acquisition and organization: binning, "Naz" versus "Waz"
  • Concept of migration: principles of Kirchhoff migration in depth and tie
  • A short overview of other migrations: The various Beam migrations, WEM, Reverse time migration

4. Well-to-seismic ties

  • Scale issues
  • Vertical time and the synthetic seismograms
  • The Time-Depth curve
  • Pitfalls in synthetic seismograms

5. Pre-processing

  • Noise
  • Near surface anomalies; statics
  • Multiples

6. Migration options and their respective merits

  • Time versus depth migration
  • Kirchhoff versus Beam migrations
  • When are Wave equation-based methods necessary
  • WEM versus RTM

7. Acquisition considerations

  • Broadband seismic
  • Narrow azimuth; multi-azimuth; wide azimuth

8. Understanding Ray-based Velocity Model Building (Tomography)

  • Model description
  • Residual Move-Out
  • The PreSDM - Model update loop
  • When and how to include anisotropy: getting Velocity, epsilon and delta
  • The key role of Interpreters in VMB

9. Examples of imaging strategies

  • What can justify reshooting
  • Moving from Time- to Depth Imaging

10. A recap of Imaging methods

This course should be of interest to all seismic interpreters planning to incorporate depth imaging into their exploration and/or exploitation projects. Project leaders and non-specialists may also benefit from attendance.

Etienne Robein

Etienne Robein graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Aéronautique et Espace and Ecole Nationale Supérieure Pétrole et Moteurs / IFP in Paris in 1973.  He started his career with Shell in The Hague, before joining Elf and then Total at the merger, where he has worked on operational, research and managerial assignments in France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Azerbaijan. His professional experience covers seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation.  In recent years, he was Director of the Total Geosciences Research Centre in London. His last position with Total was R&D program manager in Geology and Geophysics.  He now works as a free lance tutor in Geophysics.

Etienne is the author or co-author of several presentations in International Conferences, including the SEG, EAGE, WPC, AAPG, and Petroleum Geology Conference and contributed to the EAGE’s “Distinguished Lecture Program” and “Education days”. In 2003, he published a text book on “Velocities, Time-imaging and Depth-imaging in Reflection Seismics,” which became a best-seller EAGE Edition, and in 2010 a textbook on “Seismic Imaging, A review of the Techniques, Merits and Limitations” with the same editor. 

Affiliations and Accreditation
EAGE - President (2000)
EAGE - Honorary Member
EAGE Research Committee - Former Chairman
SEG Council - Former Europe’s Representative

Courses Taught
N217: Modern Seismic Imaging Techniques: A Masterclass in Time and Depth
N317: A Practical Introduction to Depth Imaging for Interpreters

CEU: 2.1 Continuing Education Units
PDH: 21 Professional Development Hours
Certificate: Certificate Issued Upon Completion
RPS is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU. We comply with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognised internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices.
We issue a Certificate of Attendance which verifies the number of training hours attended. Our courses are generally accepted by most professional licensing boards/associations towards continuing education credits. Please check with your licensing board to determine if the courses and certificate of attendance meet their specific criteria.